Thursday, January 29, 2009

Medical vs. Holistic Approach to Back Pain

Today, I'm going to discuss the traditional medical approach to back pain versus the holistic, non-medical approach to back pain. When a patient suffering from back pain first sees his/her medical doctor, there is a standard medical treatment protocol that the patient will get from their physician.
  1. Pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and muscle relaxers
  2. Cortisone shot (usually a series of three shots)
  3. Order x-rays
  4. Referral for physical therapy (usually three times per week for 6-8 weeks)
  5. Referral to orthopedic surgeon
  6. Referral to pain management (more pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs)
  7. Epidural spinal injections (usually a series of three)
  8. Order an MRI
  9. Referral for back surgery.
There is a major drawback to this approach. Most of the focus of this series of treatments is designed to eliminate symptoms (pain and inflammation), rather than to properly diagnose and correct the underlying cause of the problem. This is contradictory to common sense, and is often questioned and objected to by the patient.

On the other hand, the holistic, "non-traditional" approach to health care is quite different. The goal for most holistic physicians is to accurately and quickly diagnose the correct cause of the patient's pain (through a past medical history, orthopedic & neurologic examination, and diagnostic studies including x-rays, MRI, CT scan, nerve conduction and EMG), design a treatment plan to eliminate or properly manage the cause of the injury, and to teach the patient various ways to prevent re-injury. These health care options include:
  1. Chiropractic
  2. Acupuncture
  3. Massage Therapy
  4. Spinal Decompression
  5. Low-Level Laser Therapy (Cold Laser Therapy)
  6. Exercise / Strength Training
  7. Nutritional Counseling
My recommendation for any patient suffering from an injury is the following:
  1. Treat the cause of your problem, not the symptoms.
  2. Determine your treatment options
  3. Make an informed decision based on the knowledge that you have gathered.
For more information, go to

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